How To Do Valium Detox Safely

Detoxing Valium can be a bit more challenging than other habit-forming substances such as opioids. Despite this, it is an essential step that you cannot just skip if you aim to meaningfully live a life far from the control of the drug.

If you are thinking about detoxing on your own, let these two things make you think twice:

  • Valium withdrawal symptoms are serious and life-threatening.
  • Withdrawal can last up to at least a month – typically longer than opioids.

Ignoring these conditions in considering detox can only cause more harm to your health. If you are determined to go through a safe detox, then you have to do it with medical care.

What Happens During Valium Detox

Valium DetoxWhen you opt for a medically-supervised detox, your healthcare team can help you feel more comfortable in the process. You can avoid the risk of experiencing severe withdrawal and you can keep your feet firmly directed towards your progress and recovery.

The key steps in detoxing will typically be the same for all levels of physical dependence, although the degree of treatment will differ. First, you will follow a taper schedule, and second, you will find relief from prescribed medications.

A tapering schedule is crafted by a medical expert. This is a crucial step because the severity of your withdrawal is limited by the accuracy of reducing your doses. If not properly handled, you may suffer from intense pain.

Prescribed medicines are also essential during treatment. They help relieve your condition and even help you manage your cravings. Sleep aids also require a prescription and can be used to promote a night of healthy sleep.

As soon as your disposition becomes stable a few days after detox, you may start attending therapy sessions. This is valuable since detoxing can commonly cause psychological health problems which can be difficult to deal with despite the use of medications.

Therapy sessions allow individuals to understand what triggers their substance use and how they could potentially overcome them. They are trained to gain skills to fight off their cravings and focus on establishing a drug-free life.

What Are The Treatment Options For Valium Detox

The following treatment options vary in the level of care provided to individuals seeking detox and the price that comes with the services.

Typically, individuals are assessed by healthcare providers in terms of their overall health condition, their history of substance use, and the degree of their physical dependence on the drug.

Commonly, the longer and the harder you have taken the substance, the longer your detox treatment can last. Here are the treatment options available for detoxing Valium:

Inpatient Treatment

Valium DetoxThis is the type of care that shelters patients inside a rehab facility. The advantage includes immediate access to medical help and a conducive environment for recovery. This is very ideal for those who suffer from severe conditions.

In inpatient treatment, patients are constantly monitored round-the-clock. Prescribed medicines are given on time, and help is always at hand when withdrawal symptoms become overwhelming.

This is indeed an intensive treatment that keeps a person far from their daily stressors and completely away from access to the substance. This helps them put their focus and energy to successfully detox.

However, inpatient treatment also comes with a high price since you have to pay for meals and accommodation on top of the healthcare services provided to you.

Outpatient Treatment

Valium DetoxIn outpatient treatment, individuals may continue with their day-to-day living while staying on treatment. They can also enjoy affordable care and a flexible schedule.

There is no need to leave responsibilities behind or be far from your household. You can continue working and still receive proper medical care. The cost is also not as high as an inpatient treatment yet the programs can still be worthwhile. Typically, patients spend about 20 hours of treatment every week in outpatient clinics.

However, outpatient care is never recommended for those with severe addiction and complex health conditions. Those who suffer from mental health problems may not find relief in this type of program.

Another disadvantage of an outpatient treatment includes the challenge of dealing with the presence of stressors and triggers of substance use while staying treated. If a person becomes overwhelmed, it can just be easy to access alcohol or even Valium itself as a form of relief.

But then again, if you devote yourself to adhering to medical advice, outpatient treatment can still be very helpful in making you get past your detox phase.

Is It Safe To Detox Valium At Home

The risk of health complications is highly possible when you detox at home. As a benzodiazepine, Valium can be more life-threatening than detoxing opioids. Whether you have enough support at home or not, detoxing at home makes you far from medical help.

You can just imagine the pain from all the symptoms coming in without medical management. And the only relief would be to use the substance again and suffer from the risk of withdrawal. Relapse is very common when detoxing at home, which is why it is highly discouraged.

The trouble with detoxing Valium is that the symptoms can either be extremely painful or dangerous. You can think of the physical symptoms which include headache, nausea, and fatigue.

The psychological symptoms can be episodes of panic attacks, mood swings, intense cravings, and even depression.

Cardiovascular problems are also prone to come out such as high blood pressure and increased heart rate. Seizures and psychosis are also likely to happen in severe cases.

These conditions can also last up to at least a month compared to opioids which can only take up to at least two weeks to complete. If you’re using other substances along with Valium, then your treatment duration can be prolonged. But if you show fast recovery, then it’ll be shortened.

If you are worried about the cost of treatment, there are many financing options you can explore to help you with the expenses. It would be best to give yourself the best type of care where you can focus fully on your recovery.