What Helps With Codeine Withdrawal

Some real people get through withdrawal to the substance in just one week without even going outside their homes. With the substance conceived as a less potent drug compared to other opiates such as Oxycodone, many have believed that withdrawal might not be that complicated after all.

This is completely a misconception. Withdrawal to the drug can be extremely unpleasant.

On top of that, it does not always end very quickly and easily for some individuals. It might even cause serious health problems to some which are why it is never a good idea to make a withdrawal to this substance very lightly.

The following are a few things that can help ease the discomfort of weaning off the drug as well as ensure that patients are safe and treatment is effective during the detox process.

A medically supervised treatment

Codeine WithdrawalThere are multiple advantages of seeking medical supervision when it comes to substance withdrawal. Even though one opts to pursue withdrawal at home, medical advice is still essential to prevent complications during the treatment. Progress can be constantly assessed and any problems that come along the way can be given immediate attention.

The downside about taking withdrawal on one’s own is that it is easy to give in to the temptation of the cravings or the overwhelming pain by returning to substance use. This is never a good option to take since this act can only worsen the symptoms. With proper medical care, conditions can be limited and withdrawal can be overcome effectively.

Tapering off the dosage

Quitting cold turkey is highly discouraged when one decides to cut off their doses of the substance. Medical experts would always recommend tapering off their dosage. This is because suddenly stopping the intake of the substance can cause chaos in the usual brain activities, resulting in a surge of serious withdrawal symptoms.

When a person follows a taper schedule, the body is given enough time to adapt to the reduced chemical content of the drug in the brain and it does not have to abruptly shift to the changes which cause distress. As a result, withdrawal symptoms may come at more controlled levels.

Medical prescriptions

Medical prescriptions can greatly help one overcome the challenges of withdrawal. It serves as giving the natural function of the body a boost to fight off the withdrawal symptoms. The following are the medications that are usually prescribed when a person stops taking the substance Codeine.

FDA-approved drugs for withdrawal

Three FDA-approved drugs can help manage the withdrawal symptoms of Codeine and these are the following.

  • Methadone
  • Buprenorphine
  • Naltrexone

Methadone and Buprenorphine are mostly prescribed to treat moderate up to severe withdrawal symptoms while Naltrexone can work for mild to moderate cravings.

Codeine WithdrawalMethadone and Buprenorphine can be used as substitute drugs for Codeine. Although both substances contain an addictive potential, they are mostly considered safe as long as the treatment is managed by a physician.

These substances are ideal for withdrawal because they function similarly to Codeine yet they are long-acting substances. With their presence in the bloodstream, the body perceives that Codeine is still present despite having it slowly withdrawn already.

As long-acting substances, they do not quickly penetrate the brain and this allows it to slowly return to normal function. The role of the physician is to prescribe the right doses of the drug to prevent it from inducing physical dependence.

As soon as the body has completely detoxed from Codeine, a taper schedule for these substitute drugs can then proceed and hopefully, recovery can then imminently follow.

Over-the-counter medicines for certain symptoms

While it is one thing to prevent the surge of withdrawal symptoms as well as the cravings for the drug, there are still tendencies of certain symptoms to bring pain. This can be remedied by taking over-the-counter drugs.

For instance, pain relievers can be taken to help ease the discomfort caused by muscle pain and headache. Some drugs that can alleviate gastrointestinal problems such as stomach ache, diarrhea, nausea, and fever can also be treated with paracetamol.

Hydration and proper diet

Codeine WithdrawalHydration and proper diet are essential in coping with any illness and that includes overcoming the challenges of withdrawal. These are key factors in stabilizing the body to be ready for treatment.

There could be instances where one may lose their appetite during withdrawal, however; by sticking to a proper diet, they can avoid losing so much weight and feeling extremely weak due to the lack of energy.

Dehydration is also one of the major problems that can occur during withdrawal from the substance. Losing so much fluid in the body can be caused by symptoms such as excessive sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea. If this is left without care, conditions can get worse and even lead to heart failure.

When you have a nurse monitoring your conditions, any life-threatening conditions due to withdrawal can be quickly addressed. You need to consult that with your doctor in choosing the best detox program for you.

Therapy and counseling

Oftentimes, experiencing severe withdrawal is caused by misuse or abuse of the substance. With therapy and counseling as add-on interventions on top of the prescribed medications, behaviors which triggered substance abuse can be identified and a deeper understanding of these behaviors can be achieved.

These psychological interventions can come as one-on-one or group sessions. With group therapies, a person can establish a fellowship among people who share the same experiences with substance addiction and be able to learn from these experiences. It will also shed light on knowing oneself even more.

Moral support

The withdrawal comes with overwhelming challenges and without moral support from family, friends, or even from a medical team, it would be very difficult to put a step forward when the process becomes extremely difficult. It also pays a lot if one has someone who can direct them in their treatment.

For instance, when one experiences mental challenges during withdrawal such as disorientation, people around can help guide the person to remember the things that must be done. Moral support is a huge factor to prevent any harmful outcome from occurring during withdrawal.